"MORCHANG" is a special and unique musical instrument mainly originated from the Sindh and also used in Rajsthan and south India. It is having a metal structure and a tongue fork which is surrounded by a metal structure. The tongue fork is bend at the end. The instrument player holds the metal structure between the teeth and blows air in and out along with vibrating the bent end of the fork with the help of finger. It produces very interesting sound which is heart touching. During my recent visit to Kutch, India, my home town, a blacksmith and friend of my elder brother gifted me one "MORCHANG" and also taught me how to play it. I feel delighted whenever I play it.
The meaning of Morchang in Kutchi as well in Sindhi is "beak of Peacock". The shape of the instrument is like it's meaning in Kutchi and Sindhi".
I found some more information on wikipedia about the "MORCHANG" on following linki.
The meaning of Morchang in Kutchi as well in Sindhi is "beak of Peacock". The shape of the instrument is like it's meaning in Kutchi and Sindhi".
I found some more information on wikipedia about the "MORCHANG" on following linki.
Picture of Morchang (Picture courtesy: http://www.musicinstruments.in/Morchang.html )
Video of a Rajsthani person playing Morchang (Courtesy: Youtube)
It's very interesting....